Drinking Green Tea For Weight Loss? Make It A Ritual.

by Harisingh Khedar on Jan 05, 2025
A woman holding tea cup in hands made from fresh tea leaves

Finding "the best tea" can be a lot tougher these days than it should be! Three most common questions we often hear amongst tea lovers nowadays in search of best weight loss tea are:

1. Which is the best tea for weight loss?

2. Which is the best green tea for fat loss?

3. Can black tea also help with weight loss?

        Perhaps we understand this conundrum amongst tea lovers better than anyone else. Today, the market is full of so many tea brands, and every one of them seems to address the weight loss issue at the same time! Still, one can get really confused about where to begin, which tea to buy, let alone build a long-term healthy plan around weight loss tea. At Svamingo, we truly believe in helping our customers understand the roots of our products and make informed choices when it comes to important lifestyle changes, such as choosing the best tea for weight loss.

        Woman shown excited with face lit after learning that tea can help with weight loss

        So, let’s first address the elephant in the room: ‘can I lose weight with the help of tea?’, the answer is YES.

        But there is more to it.

        Of course, tea quality matters, and it is totally fair to look for ‘the best quality tea online’ for weight loss. However, I would rather ask myself first: 

        How does tea really aid in weight loss, and what’s the best way to consume it daily for best results? What else I need to change in my daily routine?

        Certainly, green tea alone is not a magic pill for all weight loss problems. Other aspects of your lifestyle also need to be considered. Below is an oversimplified scientific explanation on how tea helps with weight management:

        Most teas, whether green tea or black tea, contain special compounds and antioxidants that help improve fat metabolism. Improved fat metabolism does two things to your body: it helps prevent fat accumulation by breaking down fat cells, while also blocking fat absorption, thereby limiting calorie intake.

        Build a Healthy Daily Tea Ritual!

        woman drinking green tea made from fresh tea leaves

        My dad has high blood pressure issues, which also affects heart health if not addressed timely. He has been taking blood pressure medication for as long as I can remember, and still does today. For most of his life, he has been a milk tea (Chai Patti) drinker, like many of us. But over the past 2-3 years, he has developed a solid habit of drinking loose tea leaves daily - black tea in the mornings and green tea in the evenings. He has also started drinking Ceylon tea regularly.

        My dad actually has a great routine since his childhood, I really admire him for this. Even today, at 70 years old, he wakes up at 4 am, freshens up, and drinks a fresh cup of black tea made from loose tea leaves (sometimes mixed with fresh mint leaves). He then walks 2.5 km to our temple, performs his daily 2-hour temple ritual, which includes gardening, and walks back home another 2.5 km. He does this ritual twice a day, covering almost 5 km of walking daily. 

        Now, you must be wondering why I am telling you this personal story? My point is that a strong daily routine matters most in achieving the best health benefits of drinking tea. The health benefits of drinking tea are well-known, but the actual benefits extend far beyond just weight loss. You don't just burn more fat by incorporating tea into your active lifestyle, but it also aids in better managing long-term health issues, such as blood pressure, heart health, and body cholesterol. I'm not bragging, but I really admire my dad's fit physique. Kudos to his daily routine and commitment to drinking at least 2-3 cups of loose tea leaves the right way.

        If you're looking for 'the best tea online', look no further. We bring you the best Ceylon tea directly from tea plantation in Central Sri Lanka, handpicked fresh tea leaves and naturally antioxidants rich tea that helps reduce body fat when consumed the right way. Ceylon tea is known for its natural aroma and considered one of the best teas for weight management. The most important takeaway is to plan an active lifestyle with tea in your diet for the best results. Here are a few tips on how to consume tea the right way:

        1. Consume at least 3-4 cups of green tea or black tea daily
        2. Avoid adding artificial sweeteners or milk in tea; keep it natural
        3. Plan out an active lifestyle routine with tea in your diet
        4. Look for authentic green tea leaves that are least processed and buy from trusted tea brand
        5. When consumed before exercise, green tea can help burn more calories